Tuesday, March 15, 2011

First Day in Hanoi

We survived our first day in Hanoi. It was a full day - filled with trying new things, learning how to cross the street, and feeling slightly dazed from lack of sleep and jet lag. The kids did great and are enjoying all the new sights, sounds (except for the endless horns honking), and tastes. Among the new things we all found something we know and love to eat on the street - Aaron a pineapple, Tim a watermelon, Jeannie a mango, and Max a loaf of crusty french bread.

The day started out foggy and then it started raining hard around 1 pm and has been cold, windy, wet and stormy all afternoon and evening. We are all freezing and anxious for some warmer weather.

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys we are having the same weather in Salem We have some idea of what you are seeing. It sounds like we saw in Taiwan. It is a whole new world. Looking foreward to hearing more. We are going to Juneau thur. Uncle Ken (sent from Diane's Google Account)
